Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Motivation and Determination (Keeping an account!!!)

Keeping an account...
It's all in us, how we behave and believe in it when life moves on. How we get affected by the unexpected twist and turns in life? We may roll down or move with life but with an internal impact in our behaviour...
Not everyone is perfectly good. Let us see some good things we can grasp even in negative personalities.
I knew a character whose actions were turned out to be somehow positive instead otherwise...
I requested him that I will take some references to quote motivation and determination. He half heartedly nodded.
One such incident is how he cultivated the habit of making tab of the expenses.
Our friend has to solely depend on the money he has to get from his relatives as he lost his father at the start of his teenage. His uncles, aunties, grandparents are kind enough to support him. His mother stood behind his growth.
But this has not made him to start writing the expenses. When he has to join the Engineering college, he had some wish list as he will be staying away from home of his own.
The wish list was straightforward that he needs a canvas shoulder bag, black shoe, Khaki uniforms, Shaving sets including shaving cream. Looking into the wish list, it's a normal requirement of a person to stay away in hostel or at some boarding. But he is dependent for the financial part. His world told that "still he has to join the college, but see the wish list". It was a blow to him, he was filled with tears.
He was not depressed as he knew his situation. But inside him something came out positive, he was determined to keep tab of the expenses. He cultivated this habit of writing his expenses and took a summary on which area his expenses were. His category was Travel, Food, Education, Entertainment, Medicines, Miscellaneous.
Every month he saw where he is spending, where he has to limit and what to expect.
He knew what was his monthly requirement, he analysed yearly expenses and more importantly he understood the income, debit, balance sheets of life. It made him to realise one thing is to respect the money - Not to tell lies to get the money. To forecast what would be his daily requirement, weekly requirement, monthly and yearly requirement. He knew the categories of his expenses. It made him to look into the aspects of savings too. Though he could have saved the money instead he valued the humans.
Money is what people look into while he learnt things associated with it. Today he is not a wealthy person, but he is contended with what he is getting and what he is letting.
He learnt one important thing in life, "Money is temporary like this life itself. It's we created this commodity for the sake of guarantee as things are temporary".
He respects money very much and respects people without looking into their assets as he learnt everything is temporary.
He is very happy that he learnt to keep tab of the expenses which gives him some sort of satisfaction rather than direction...
Wishing that everyone will keep tab of the expenses which gives a perspective on the way we move our life in terms of monetary terms. But the important lesson from keeping the account is to value the life in terms of how we live not how we spend it. Be it the life time or the value behind the life.
Hope you would agree that once this habit is cultivated, it will be a rewarding one.
Happy accounting!!! All the best!!!

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