Saturday, 7 July 2012

Life after life - Is it Heaven or Hell???

Warning - I am not against God, or against Science or against Maths or any kind of reasoning. I am not mentally disturbed yet. Don't get illogical after reading this post.

This post is all about, what I am going to do after the life in me ends? What answer do I have? Is there a life after life, a myth?

To start with...

Just in case, imagine what if life is there after life? Because, there is no theory to prove that there is no existence of life after life! Science states that when the heart stops pumping, the life becomes non-existence and the human body will be heavenly body!!!

Science is based on assumptions and facts, to assume it, there should be some logic. So what is logic? Is it something related to some reasoning or argument? So it's again facts. So what is fact? Is it based on some existence or is it based on statistics. So we start with science which is based on assumptions, which is based on some logic, then goes into reasoning, then ultimately into facts, and jumps into statistics.

At the end, We fail to understand what is beyond life, as science does the logical thinking but does not answer irrational thoughts. It states stupidity when you ask what if life has life after life? Hence illogical thinking leads to faith? Not good, isn't it?   

But many of us believe in God. I believe and practise my religion. Many of us do. Then based on the scientific facts and figures - the expected life cycle of human product is 100 years. And if everything goes on fine, i grow, age, age, age and finally drop out of the body.

Is it, that much easy? Why we become very sad on the drop out? Is it because of our so called sensory perceptions which gives us the attribute of life? Is it possible for me to bid adieu when I leave this body?

It will be easy, if everyone is going to live their full life cycle, then we will be definite to face the life after life, which many religion states as either heaven or hell!!!

So, life after life will be in heaven or hell?

We are not certain about tomorrow, then why should I worry about what is beyond life? I would be happy to live this life till the life cycle or the defective life cycle, whatever it may be!

More important is that Let us do good, and live for the goodness of our loved ones. Let us not worry about misinterpretation of Mayan's calendar. There is only one life with you, live it happily and love it happily.

Ultimate marvellous attitude is what I got in life which makes me to live and love thy life happily! Hence I am not worried about heaven or hell. I am living for today not for tomorrow because today is what I have with me!!!

1 comment:

  1. Life is far beyond meaning, Life is beyond meaning and that's why it is so beautiful

    When you wanting to know some thing is so Intense that you are willing to die for it, then knowing is not far away.

    If you are rooted in reality there will be no fear.

    Intelligence is like a flashlight. If you flash it, it’ll just show you what’s in front. Knowledge is like a projector; if you switch it on, it projects its own story. Now, if you came with a flashlight and you flash it on these paintings here, you will see the paintings just the way they are. If you came with the projector, which also has light in it, and you turned it on; you don’t see the paintings. You will see something else, maybe Jackie Chan fighting. That’s the difference between knowledge and intelligence.

    Religions of the world are not bout one man’s belief against another, but an opportunity for all humans to each to their common ultimate source.

    The fear is simply because you are not living with life, You are living in your mind.

    Whatever is your highest, you just contemplate upon that. Your inner and outer purity will happen naturally.

    Being with a Master is never comfortable, because He will break all your limitations, all your ideologies.
    - Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
