Friday, 26 June 2020

Online is the new discipline!!!

Online is the next thing to health now!!! Be it companies, institutions, governance!!! The big feat is the online classes and virtual meetings!!! 

All virtual applications MS teams, Skype, Lifesize, Zoom, Google... have come out big to respond to this situation. World would have shrunk virtually to individuals wall's. Reaching out would have been ever thought like this. Online is the new mantra. Backbone office are meant for software companies only and other industries never ever thought of 'Work from Home (WFH)'. Now almost all the industries have adopted it. The demand of virtual meetings have soared heights.

This has mandated Online is the new discipline!!! Everywhere online meetings have become a necessary, particularly educational institutions. To narrow it, schools have adapted quickly. Children would have spent their times either on a fruitful manner or passing through the times. 

Schools have sprung up from the blackboard to digital board. Few schools that had digital platform for educational curriculum was fast. Online classes was new for us, it had it's own challenges, not only to the schools, it is a great challenge to parents.

Schools has to organize the formalities, rules, regulations, infrastructure and way forward. Now coming to the parents, the list was and is, as a minimum:
# Internet
# Laptop(s) for more than one child. And another beauty is when the parents are working from home and has to give their laptop for their kids.
# Timings (For parents, who need to get to work) and when working from home.
# Background restrictions moving around for parents, particularly mother's.
# Sound Control between online classes and office meetings. 
#  Other amenities such as desks, rooms, connections...

Now coming to the point, Online is the new discipline. Children has to organize themselves for a new system, which they were mostly using it for entertainment purposes. Yes, turning the laptop and/or TV's for educational purposes. Few challenges for them:
~ Time - joining the classes in time.
~ Etiquette - maintaining the decorum that the online classes requires. Many kids would become restless and innovative in between the online classes. 
~ Parallel talking, Avoid
~ Concentration
~ Time management, to complete the works within the time frame.
~ Watchful eyes of Parents.
~ Distractions, Siblings or from others.

Plenty to add, if I take an interview with students who have online classes.

Main thing when we talk about Discipline is that the classes are online. It's difficult for the teachers to look into all the students at all the times online. Self discipline is the new online mantra, students need to perform good when there's no one is there to watch them. 

The success of a person depends when no one is there watching the right or wrong. Good has to come from within even when no one is around. It's the attitude that matters, education is to build up this attitude. It's not meagre degree that will help one. It's the attitude which makes a person keep going on.

Same way, many work from home. How fairly they are working? It's self discipline. Task is assigned and output should be delivered within the boundaries. What's our responsibility? It depends on each individual...

Freedom is costlier. It does not come for free. If you want to know anyone, give them the freedom and we will come to know about them. So, comes the rules and regulations to ensure that freedom is respected by all.

We have got a chance to deliver our goals from where we are. Let us fulfill the tasks and responsibilities with conscience as there's no one is there to watch how we are fairing. Online helps us in developing our self discipline. It's online is the new discipline!!!


  1. Nicely drafted and explained.

  2. Nice Article!!! Online - Change in Environment!!!
